Destinations Africa: What Does The New EU-Visa Rules Mean for Africans? attm May 26, 2020 The EU has changed the rules for short-term visas. After a decade, the European Commission says a change was long overdue.…
News South Africa: President Ramaphosa Engages Tourism Industry attm May 24, 2020 President Cyril Ramaphosa holds a virtual engagement with stakeholders in the tourism sector who have sought an opportunity to…
Features Senegal: A West African Leader On The Rise attm May 23, 2020 Relatively developed transport and hospitality infrastructure translate to great tourism potential.
News COVID-19: Compulsory Quarantine Plans For All UK Arrivals Unveiled attm May 23, 2020 People arriving in the UK must self-isolate for 14 days from 8 June to help slow the spread of coronavirus, the government has…
News Lagos Inaugurates COVID-19 Review Committee For Tourism, Entertainment… attm May 22, 2020 The Lagos State Ministry of Tourism, Arts, and Culture has inaugurated members of the Lagos State COVID-19 Pandemic Review…