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Hospitality: From The Bed Sheets To The TV Remote, A Microbiologist Reveals…
For most of us, staying in a hotel room is either something of a necessity - think business travel - or something to look forward…
Africa’s Economic Growth To Outpace Global Forecast In 2023-2024 – African…
Africa is set to outperform the rest of the world in economic growth over the next two years, with real gross domestic product…
Can ‘Voluntourism’ Outgrow The White Saviour Stereotype And Make A Positive…
As the tourism industry emerges from pandemic shutdowns and border closures, so too is “voluntourism”, the sometimes-controversial…
Persistent Challenges Undermine Africa’s Tourism Revival
Visa regimes and poor air connectivity limit efforts to boost intra-African travel # Hard road: tourism receipts in Africa stood…
Africa: United Kingdom Work Visa For Elite Graduates Is Exclusive And Based…
The United Kingdom government's announcement of a new work visa option aimed at attracting top graduates has elicited some…