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Africa – When Closed Borders Become A Problem
Many African states have closed their borders due to COVID-19. The movement of goods continues, albeit slowly. For people,…
Glasgow University Has Announced It Will Pay £20 Million In Reparations For…
It is believed to be the first institution in the UK to pledge money to atone for its links to the transatlantic slave trade. The…
‘Willful Amnesia’: How Africans Forgot — And Remembered — Their…
A boy carries a bucket as the Elmina Castle is seen in the background in Elmina, Ghana. The castle was once one of the most…
Year of Return: More African Americans Arrive Ghana For Commemoration
More Americans, including actors, film directors, and political activists, amongst who are Danny Glover, the leadership of…
Akwamu Kingdom: Senchi, Akosombo Offers Priceless Trip
The Senchi and Akosombo Surroundings are both parts of the historical and very cultural kingdom of Akwamu of Ghana. The Akwamus…