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World Tourism Is Beautiful: Meet The New Queen In Bali
Bali is the Islands of the Gods. World Tourism Network members from 132 countries can agree on this and can’t wait…
World Travel & Tourism Council & UNWTO Sign…
In an historic first, the world’s two leading Travel & Tourism organisations representing the global public and…
West Africa: Ecovisa – Ecowas Working Towards Single…
The purpose of the meeting was to discuss the implementation of ECOVISA, related costs and design as recommended by…
How Ghana’s Pearl Hanson Plans To Take On The African Liquor…
Pearl Naheema Hanson, Managing Director of AA Food and Beverages, Ghana is a 2005 graduate of University of…
Girma, Ethiopian Airlines Chairman, Resigns And Replaced By…
Girma Wake, an aviation industry executive, has resigned from his position as board chairman of Ethiopian Airlines.